슈퍼팬 - How what you eat affects your immune system
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cn2L2y6O0I alter : 바꾸다, 수선하다 Alter how the body responds to disease through an immune-boosting pill We had to alter some of the details. I need to have my jacket altered. boost : 북돋우다 We often hear messages encouraging us to boost our immune system. We need more support from the government to boost the local economy. A recent study shows caffeine may boost weight..
2023.01.24 -
슈퍼팬 - 100 People Tell Us Their New Year's Resolution
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHWz6p2HCmE resolution 결심, 다짐/ 결의안 What's your New Year's resolution? I made a resolution to work out everyday. The management passed a resolution to allow flexible working hours. shape 컨디션, 건강 상태 (활용 : in good/bad shape 컨디션이 좋다/나쁘다, out of shape 컨디션이 안 좋다) The house was in bad shape when we first bough it. I need to start doing exercise as I'm out of shape. take ..
2023.01.21 -
2023.01.21 슈퍼팬 - Fast-Food Restaurants From 12 Countries Around The World
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLOUITxPv6A made-to-order : 주문 제작된, 맞춤의 (=customized) In Russia, fast food means blinis, soups, and kasha, made-to-order. I'd like to get a pair of made-to-order shoes. My husband is very tall, so we need a made-to-order bed. a range of ~ : 비슷한 종류에 속하는 것들 (변형 : a wide range of~, a broad range of~) The chain offers a wide range of high-quality fish and shellfish. W..