2024.02.07 하려고 했는데 | ...때문에 입문했어 | apparently 사용법 등

2024. 2. 8. 06:23외국어/영어


  1. meant to : ~하려고 했다
    1. I didn't meant to : ~하려던 게 아니야
    2. I meant to tell you but~ : 말하려고 했지만 못 했어. 
    3. I keep meaning to : 계속 ~하려고 하는데
    4. I thought you were coming home early today./ I meant to come sooner. But work took longer than I expected. 
    5. You should check out the new restaurant in town. The food is amazing./ I keep meaning to visit, but I haven't had the time yet. 
  2. get A into B : A가 B에 흥미를 가지도록 하다
    1. BTS is the group that got me into K-pop. Now I love lots of other groups.
    2. My dad was a swimmer and that's what got me into swimming.
    3. My trip to Tibet back in 2010 was the trip that really got me into traveling. 
  3. feel like ing/N : 땡기다, 마음이 내키다
    1. I don't feel like talking. 
    2. Did you feel like crying?
  4. off(headed) to : 항하다, 가다
    1. Where are you off to?
    2. Where are you headed? Where are you heading?
  5. apparently : 보아하니, 그런가보네(정황상 사실로 추정)/ 나도 방금 알았는데 그렇다네? (몰랐는데 새로 얻은 정보)
    1. Apparently, somebody was hungry. 보니까 누가 배가 고팠네. 
    2. Apparently, you can change it(=name) to anything you want. 알고보니 내가 원하는 대로 이름을 바꿀 수 있더라.